

First off, I'd like to express my excitement about the future of this project as I embark on the journey. There will be a lot of ground covered in the years to come, and a lot of lessons to be learned. I hope to document my thoughts to build a resource to help guide those seeking answers to the same questions I've asked.

As you read these postings, please inform me of any factual mistakes that are made by commenting (with reference if you have it). Right now, comments are not public, but that may change in the future. Also, if you disagree, I ask that you comment respectfully and explain your position. My goal is to convince you that my opinion is correct, but when there are objections, I'd at least like the opportunity to adress them. If you still disagree, then that is your right.

Posts will begin in the near future. New topics will have their own page split into relevant sub-topics. These will be updated and expanded as time goes on, so check back as much as you'd like. Enjoy!